New Year

This will be short, friends: I am in the process of realigning my life. Although that's a process that never stops as we learn and grow, I'm working on a major reset. Pieces have been falling into place since late 2019, but the puzzle is not yet complete.  In addition to my personal BIG PICTURE,… Continue reading New Year

Have No Fear

How are you? Now that we have entered the “second wave” of CoVid-inspired lockdowns in many places, we are being told to stay home and wear masks all the time. We can’t eat out and have the usual year-end holiday parties, spend time with the elderly, hold the newborns. Gray winter days and long nights… Continue reading Have No Fear

Overcoming Negativity

Are you a glass half empty or a glass half full person? Do you feel that life happens to you (stuck under the circumstances) or that you create life results by your actions (going forward: over, under, around, or through)? Do you see obstacles or opportunities? In this post, I want to share a few… Continue reading Overcoming Negativity


Voting is a high privilege. It is the fundamental way in which citizens of a country (where it is allowed) express their preferences for representatives and initiatives. In the United States, we have primary, general, and special elections, so there are usually opportunities to vote for someone or something at least once a year! For… Continue reading Vote!

Is History Important?

This past week, I visited with family in a state several hours away from my home. The central event was my aunt’s 90th birthday party and a chance to get together with her and many cousins. I stayed with my son and his family who live nearby. That son has reached an age where he… Continue reading Is History Important?

Control Your Emotions with Ease

Many people around the world have just gone through a few months of lockdown due a novel coronavirus. As we begin to rebuild, let’s make sure that any physical and emotional stressors that may have built up – and may be continuing or even increasing - are addressed. I am not a medical professional, but… Continue reading Control Your Emotions with Ease

The Gift of Exhortation

Are you familiar with the concept of spiritual gifts? Christians believe that the Holy Spirit gives one or more spiritual gifts to each and every believer to equip each one to strengthen and uplift other believers and to build up the Church (people, not buildings) for daily life on planet Earth and in preparation for… Continue reading The Gift of Exhortation

The Golden Rule

When I was growing up, I was taught to live by the “golden rule”: to treat others as I would like to be treated by them (found in the Bible at Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31). This post is about what I have learned along the way. To my young mind, the golden rule sounded… Continue reading The Golden Rule

A New Season

How is your 2020 going so far? Have you made one or more resolutions for the New Year? Here are a few reflections on what is happening with me. It is my heart’s desire that you will share your journey with me as well, so that we can encourage each other. CELEBRATING Three years ago,… Continue reading A New Season

Confessions of a Food Addict

This week's guest post is by Raquel Branchik, an independent health coach who is on her own journey to overcoming food addiction, obesity and poor health.  At the time of this writing, she has lost 72 lbs in 7 months and is feeling better than ever. She is paying this gift forward to help as… Continue reading Confessions of a Food Addict