New Year

This will be short, friends: I am in the process of realigning my life. Although that's a process that never stops as we learn and grow, I'm working on a major reset. Pieces have been falling into place since late 2019, but the puzzle is not yet complete.  In addition to my personal BIG PICTURE,… Continue reading New Year

Thanksgiving: A Celebration for All Americans

In recent years, the celebration of a national Thanksgiving Day has been overlooked or even disdained by many who don’t understand its history and fundamental purpose. As we close out Thanksgiving week 2020 - in the midst of CoVid lockdowns and other restrictions -  this story of the small group of English who arrived at… Continue reading Thanksgiving: A Celebration for All Americans

Diving into the Constitution: Amendments XXII and XXIII

  Welcome to this week's blog post. We are moving into the modern era with World War II and the post-war period. By this era, the Constitution for the United States of America had endured more than 150 years - quite an accomplishment! Nevertheless, our leaders were still making changes to the "Law of the… Continue reading Diving into the Constitution: Amendments XXII and XXIII

Declaration of Independence

It is my great honor to post the full text of our Declaration of Independence as written on parchment in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776. The autographs (not signatures) were given by sovereign individual human beings (not citizens under rule) who possessed (as we continue to possess) rights given by the Laws of Nature… Continue reading Declaration of Independence


Voting is a high privilege. It is the fundamental way in which citizens of a country (where it is allowed) express their preferences for representatives and initiatives. In the United States, we have primary, general, and special elections, so there are usually opportunities to vote for someone or something at least once a year! For… Continue reading Vote!


Even in this dark and hurting world, the bright light of love can always prevail. The author of the following words says that we have tremendous human limitations in this life but that the undimmed light of love is always present and available for us. Further, he assures us that love even overcomes the grave… Continue reading Love

Is History Important?

This past week, I visited with family in a state several hours away from my home. The central event was my aunt’s 90th birthday party and a chance to get together with her and many cousins. I stayed with my son and his family who live nearby. That son has reached an age where he… Continue reading Is History Important?

Control Your Emotions with Ease

Many people around the world have just gone through a few months of lockdown due a novel coronavirus. As we begin to rebuild, let’s make sure that any physical and emotional stressors that may have built up – and may be continuing or even increasing - are addressed. I am not a medical professional, but… Continue reading Control Your Emotions with Ease


Around the globe, people are being challenged to cope with a completely new daily life rhythm in the face of quarantine, social distancing, unanticipated home schooling and working from home or in unaccustomed settings, and more, all resulting from the spread of a novel coronavirus strain. One of the most frequently reported conditions that many… Continue reading Focus


When I was growing up, my family didn’t practice any kind of fasting. I had Roman Catholic friends who told me about not having meat on Fridays and about giving up certain foods during Lent, but that was about it. We also didn’t have blood tests at doctors that I can remember, so I never… Continue reading Fasting