Immanuel, God with us

The modern secular American Christmas celebration - when it includes any reference at all to the source of the holy day - usually mixes together several historical people and events to make a single story centered on materials gifts exchanged by friends and family and held on December 25th. On the other hand, Americans with… Continue reading Immanuel, God with us

Overcoming Negativity

Are you a glass half empty or a glass half full person? Do you feel that life happens to you (stuck under the circumstances) or that you create life results by your actions (going forward: over, under, around, or through)? Do you see obstacles or opportunities? In this post, I want to share a few… Continue reading Overcoming Negativity


Even in this dark and hurting world, the bright light of love can always prevail. The author of the following words says that we have tremendous human limitations in this life but that the undimmed light of love is always present and available for us. Further, he assures us that love even overcomes the grave… Continue reading Love


Ever since I was a very young child, I have loved bananas above any other fruit. Because my mom usually bought one bunch of bananas per week for our big family, I never got more than one per week. At some point, I remember making a firm pledge to myself that I would eat at… Continue reading Bananas


Each person has two adrenal glands, one on top of each kidney. Each gland has two parts: the cortex (outer section), which is responsible for the production of cortisone; and the medulla (central section), which secretes adrenaline. These small glands also secrete several hormones that are critical to our well-being and optimal energy levels. Adrenaline… Continue reading Adrenals

Rh Negative Blood

The Rh(esus) factor is the presence or absence of an inherited protein/antigen found on the surface of red blood cells. It was identified in the 1930s by Karl Landsteiner (who had discovered blood types in 1900) and Alexander Weiner when they were researching the causes of and solutions for mysterious deaths of dozens of babies… Continue reading Rh Negative Blood

Control Your Emotions with Ease

Many people around the world have just gone through a few months of lockdown due a novel coronavirus. As we begin to rebuild, let’s make sure that any physical and emotional stressors that may have built up – and may be continuing or even increasing - are addressed. I am not a medical professional, but… Continue reading Control Your Emotions with Ease


When I first started using essential oils, I heard a story about a woman who had only a bottle of Basil oil and used it for everything for an entire year before she moved on to other oils. At the time, I wondered if that could really be true. This post covers only some of… Continue reading Basil


Around the globe, people are being challenged to cope with a completely new daily life rhythm in the face of quarantine, social distancing, unanticipated home schooling and working from home or in unaccustomed settings, and more, all resulting from the spread of a novel coronavirus strain. One of the most frequently reported conditions that many… Continue reading Focus

ANXIETY! How can I help myself? 

This is a guest post written by Tiina Nellis, Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Personal & Business Performance Coach. She is based in England and serves domestic and international clients online. If you'd like more information on her work, please visit her website (, and follow her on Instagram @tiina_nellis Where do I… Continue reading ANXIETY! How can I help myself?