New Year

This will be short, friends: I am in the process of realigning my life. Although that's a process that never stops as we learn and grow, I'm working on a major reset. Pieces have been falling into place since late 2019, but the puzzle is not yet complete.  In addition to my personal BIG PICTURE,… Continue reading New Year

Immanuel, God with us

The modern secular American Christmas celebration - when it includes any reference at all to the source of the holy day - usually mixes together several historical people and events to make a single story centered on materials gifts exchanged by friends and family and held on December 25th. On the other hand, Americans with… Continue reading Immanuel, God with us

Have No Fear

How are you? Now that we have entered the “second wave” of CoVid-inspired lockdowns in many places, we are being told to stay home and wear masks all the time. We can’t eat out and have the usual year-end holiday parties, spend time with the elderly, hold the newborns. Gray winter days and long nights… Continue reading Have No Fear

Diving into the Constitution: Bill of Rights

The past three posts have covered the text of the Constitution for the United States of America as originally signed. The Constitution lays out a framework for how the various branches of the Federal government work and how the Federal and State governments interact. As with any new organization, various issues came up as the… Continue reading Diving into the Constitution: Bill of Rights

Diving into the Constitution: Article II

The Federal government of the United States has three branches as laid out in the Constitution. Last week, we reviewed what the Constitution says about the Legislative branch (Congress, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives). This week, we review the Executive branch (represented by the President and Vice President). AN OVERVIEW In… Continue reading Diving into the Constitution: Article II

Declaration of Independence

It is my great honor to post the full text of our Declaration of Independence as written on parchment in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776. The autographs (not signatures) were given by sovereign individual human beings (not citizens under rule) who possessed (as we continue to possess) rights given by the Laws of Nature… Continue reading Declaration of Independence

Overcoming Negativity

Are you a glass half empty or a glass half full person? Do you feel that life happens to you (stuck under the circumstances) or that you create life results by your actions (going forward: over, under, around, or through)? Do you see obstacles or opportunities? In this post, I want to share a few… Continue reading Overcoming Negativity


Even in this dark and hurting world, the bright light of love can always prevail. The author of the following words says that we have tremendous human limitations in this life but that the undimmed light of love is always present and available for us. Further, he assures us that love even overcomes the grave… Continue reading Love

Trafficking in Persons

I wrote this blog piece mostly on July 30, the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Let me give a disclaimer: this piece is based on what I know to date and is only a peek at even that. It is my hope that your eyes and heart will be opened as you read this,… Continue reading Trafficking in Persons

Is History Important?

This past week, I visited with family in a state several hours away from my home. The central event was my aunt’s 90th birthday party and a chance to get together with her and many cousins. I stayed with my son and his family who live nearby. That son has reached an age where he… Continue reading Is History Important?